Today instead of talking about principals, many disfiguring SMSs are seen to be circulated?
“Elect Padeniya! His secretary candidate does not even qualify to lead a funeral society, vote 4 Dr Padeniya -his one man show will make change for GMOA, for the worse! This is the SMS circulated from mobile- 0770559669
This raises the question “Who is the Perfect Trade Union leader?”
It is not that difficult to assess!
Disqualify him if he is known to…..
-Work full time in the private sector abusing trade union power.
-Allow illegal transfers, violating the merit orders of members.
-Node his head in response to political pressure.
-Use political power and power of other means to suppress branch union and their members.
The true trade union leader should.
Have complete trust on the membership
A trade union leader should firstly, secondly and thirdly have trust on the membership and their strength. One who believes on the politicians is not a true leader but an imposter.
Be honest at all times
One who lies as a habit and continues to lie to the members will not understand the growing distrust among the members with each lie he utters.
Have Work experience at grass root level of the GMOA
experience in working at various levels of our branch union structure( hospital branch unions, district branch unions and general committee post). One who had been directly parachuted to the ex co by passing these steps does not know the value of holding regular general committee meetings and issuing correct minutes. The word democracy will not mean anything to him. He will pretend listening to you but will act according to his own whims and fancies.
Have real life experience
A trade union leader should ideally he be a person who depends mostly on the government salary. Then only he will realize the difficulty of managing the daily life of a doctor with the poor salary given. One with an income of 3-4 laks or several millions of rupees per month will not feel your difficulties.
Be an example to others
He should be a person who is actively working in the government sector; a person who has not worked a single day for the last 3 years is less likely to know much about the difficulties of the common doctor.24 hour OPD will not matter him as far as he is not affected.
Disregard the following
Expensive luxurious vehicle used
Expensive attire
Ultra modern mobile phone(because usually uncontactable to the members)