As pointed out earlier,Sec Health has taken measures revert the circular and include the Specialist Medical Officers at their due place.
Sec Health had no other option other than including Medical Officers also in to the circular because
*all other Parallel categories(Eng.,Low officers) already have been included in to the circular by the treasury Sec.
*Trade union pressure exerted by kandy branch union and the turbulance expected to be generated if medical officers are neglected further.

While the Sec Health is correcting his blunders Our Sec GMOA seems to be going in to deeper trouble in his effort of claiming undue credit.

1.Our Sec GMOA thinks that the achivements are made as a result of the MIGHTY EX CO and disregards the General committee and it's contribution.(No wonder this is what should be expected)
2.In the above letter he most incorrectly says "The medical officers are entitled to a minimum of Rs 6000/= per month to a maximum of Rs 12,500/= according to above circular....."
This shows his ability in interpriting even a simple Circular issued by Sec Health.while the conditions are such he further tries to convince others that they are the pineors in getting this allowance for the doctors.
Read the above letter very carefully and learn the quality and reliability of GMOA documents.
Sec GMOA does not seem to feel shy to put his signature to low quality documents containing wrong information.
This is why GMOA is disregarded and not respected today at most of the forums.
Please remember-One who does not respect his own signature will not respect the membership.
You decide !
Closing date for the postal votes 24 th May !!
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