Few years back when a massive protest was raised against the CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) between India and Sri lanka , it was agreed by the authorities to exempt Health sector from the purview of the agreement.
But now it has been revealed that CEPA is getting implemented (?) without the knowledge of many of us.
First Cardiothoracic surgeons came from India to work in our private sector. Many doctors thought that their jobs are safe since they are not consultants.
Then cardiothoracic medical officers came. Many doctors thought that they are safe since they are not from the field of surgery.
But that was proved wrong when cardiothoracic anesthetists also appeared in to the scene. Now many are still thinking that they safe since they are not at all related to the field of cardiothoracic.
NOW THE “JUDGEMENT DAY” of the fields of Pathology and Radiology is about to come.
Still there is no sign of vigilance noted among the Sri lankan medical professionals.
Since the GMOA which is supposed to be the “watch dog” of the profession is also snoozing up, the future of Sri Lankan Medical professional seems to be in dark.
Hence we would like to cry out “WAKE UP! YOUR JOBS ARE NOT SAFE! ”

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