These are the slogans of the ex co remnant !
“We came uncontested; I have given everything the membership needed. They were happy and contented until (Dr Padeniya’s) your arrival. You are the one who went right around the country creating unnecessary problems".
Answer-This statement shows their immaturity and ignorance on the “burning” nature of membership issues. What Dr.Padeniya did was just surfacing them.
"An independent team also will come".
Answer-As a concept -Many contestants, contesting at the election is healthy for the democracy, but such a team winning the election is remote. But more chance is there for such a team to split the “anti ex co “votes and indirectly support the ruling party.
This is the SMS that was circulated with the blessings of the EX CO
“Awaits-not the best, but better combined team to avoid/prevent 3rd class politics come into the election. Some are already willing to step down to safeguard the gmoa and to rest a bit. This is a good trend”.
Answer-These people who are willing to step down now, should have done it many months back. Any sort of Combinations with people who have violated the constitution is a betrayal of the membership. This has to be rejected in Toto.
"Let’s go for a interim committee to address the needs of the membership. Then either party can help them. This is the “best way out”
Answer-This was what the members thought many months back in order to find solutions to their problems. It did not turn out to be a reality .Now the time has passed and we do not need it any further.
Sarcastically, this is what the present regime wants at the moment as their last resort. They would be more than happy to go for an interim committee in order to “bury” their dark smelly past.
Hence do you know the single responsible answer for all these slogans? nonsense !
well said chandika