Here appears responses of two eminent individuals in the health sector to two different mistakes they have done.
1.Secretary to the Ministry of Health
Treasury circular

wrong Interpretation of the circular by Secretary Health

Secretary Health was unable to identify “Officers in similar status”. Hence he
1.Degraded the Specialist medical officers (who were in category 2 with the DG in the previous circular) to category to 4 of the above circular.
2.Most incorrectly excluded the medical officers from the telecom circular.
Trade union pressure of the Kandy Branch Union was needed to correct this.
Circular of Secretary Health (New telecom. circular)

Interpretation of our Secretary GMOA

Secretary GMOA is unable to understand the “minimum” and “maximum” limits of the circular for each category.
Hence he says that,(http://www.gmoa.lk/images/uploaded/1842904715.pdf)
I. Lower limit of the allowance for medical officers as Rs 6000/=
II. Upper limit of the allowance for medical officers as Rs 12500/=
You may have very well understood that this interpretation is absolutely wrong! It needs to be corrected as
I. Upper limit of the allowance for medical officers as Rs 6000/=
II. Upper limit of the allowance for the specialist medical officers as Rs 12500/=
Why are we highlighting that point this much?
1.Firstly,Our members can be misled by wrong information.
2.Most importantly this small event reflects the true nature of the current Ex Co.
It was requested(in public)from the current Ex Co to correct this error in the GMOA web site.It was just to prevent our ordinary members from being misled.
But unfortunately,the person who drafted this letter was not humble enough admit his fault.Instead of correcting this error, he challenged the English knowledge of the person who pointed it out!
It is a human nature to make mistakes,but we must be humble enough to correct them (at least)when pointed out if we are hoping to represent somebody.
I thought, there are so many methods of testing English knowledge. O levels A levels IELTS etc.
ReplyDeleteNew machine also seem to be corrupt, GMOA members in Kandy Hospital agitated using nonprofessional methods against good administrative decisions made by director, and the GMOA suffered a humiliating defeat due to senior consultants approving the decisions made by the administration that was recently in December 2011.