As I have already highlighted in several posts GMOA is facing the toughest time in her history.
Lack of democracy has been the norm and instead of finishing a job properly and completely,doing patch work in the eve of an election has become the fashion.
This story of Medical Service Minute runs back to 2006, it was the time of PA 2006/06 circular when the science was first applied in to salary structuring. National wage policy which was pioneered by Dr.Padeniya opened a new window for the future grade promotions of all the categories.Except our profession all the others took the maximum benefit out of it by amending their service minutes
The following are the clauses mentioned in the said circular on grade promotions.
4.2.1 Fast Track for Exceptional Performer
The exceptional performer will earn his first promotion at the end of sixth year after recruitment based on the results of:
a. a competitive examination held for the purpose or a similar selection process;
b. performance appraisal judged through a structured and objective appraisal procedure with an
appropriate degree of transparency
Annexure II -7
This category of promotees who earn their first promotion through the fast track will earn the benefit of 5 additional increments at this stage, which means that the employee will be placed at the initial step of the respective layer applicable to the promotional grade, within the salary scale applicable to the service. Employees promoted under this stream will be entitled to the next promotions at the end of periods of defined duration.
4.2.2. Average Performer - Promotional Stream
Employees whose performance is judged to be average at the process of appraisal stated above will be promoted at the end of the 10th year from recruitment and will earn the benefit of one additional increment. The promotions thereafter of this category will be provided in the same manner as in the case of the fast track, at the end of periods of defined duration.
4.3 The need to develop an objective, meaningful, effective and transparent scheme of performance appraisal for all categories of employees is reiterated. Similarly the implementation of the provision in this circular may call for the amendment of the existing service minutes and the formulation of Service Minutes in respect of those categories where no Service Minutes are available.
Let me recap a fact mentioned in the 2006/06 circular.
“The need to develop an objective, meaningful, effective and transparent scheme of performance appraisal for all categories of employees is reiterated.”
When amendment of Service minute is concerned
1. Amendments cannot be done every fortnight.
2. When an amendment is done it has to be objective, meaningful, effective and transparent.
3. Since the scheme which had been suggested by PA2006/06 circular is 5 years old(out dated?) just obtaining what has been already spelt in that circular may be far away from optimum.Instead newer concepts need to be brought in.
But,the current Ex Co purposefully obstructed the process of making a proper proposal for medical service amendment by,refusing to organize a workshop on this regard despite various requests by the General Committee.
Hence any hasty process of “getting something out” or “patch work” by the Ex Co will have to be taken up as an act of sabotage when medical profession is concerned!
Sri Lankan doctors are polite and very kind , unlike some of UK surgeons.
Clear explanation about the risk of post operative infections and a prior discussion would have prevented all this.
What is the position regarding implementation of cabinet approved minutes recognizing medical specialist as a category of consultants. We need clear statements from all parties contesting GMOA elections. Tell us clearly what is your stand?